ND Pharma & Biotech
The New Generation of Non-Toxic Food Products for Pest Control
Solutions by ND Pharma & Biotech
​​​Fighting stored product insects with ACARISIN TM gives operators more options. Instead of using toxins to kill, ACARISIN TM, containing the active ingredients made from a "single grain" combination of minerals and mineral salts stops an insect’s life cycle by affecting development of eggs and larvae that dissapear. ACARISIN TM acts either way, both by contact and ingestion, so the defensive mechanisms deployed against other products are not able to be employed by insects against ACARISIN TM. This is important when it comes to food storage. ACARISIN TM helps prevent the threat of re-infestations and can help improve your bottom line.
ACARISIN ALIMENTARY (FOOD) PRODUCT, so the contact with foods and alimentary raw materials is therefore permitted. It´s valid to be employed also for the control of insect larvae in stored grains and other agricultural commodities.
If the infested grain is already in storage, fumigate with ACARISIN TM. Following fumigation, if possible, turn the grain and treat with a tank-mix combination ACARISIN TM. The best way to prevent infestation is to treat the commodity in the grain stream as it is being placed into the storage facility.
Fight stored product insects by applying ACARISIN TM. It can be applied to the grain stream or used as an empty bin treatment to help reduce the need for costly fumigation, which makes for a safer work environment and especially when the foodstuffs are destined for direct consumption and/or processing (ellaboration). It’s an easy to implement solution that can be utilized at any facility. Best of all, it can reduce insect infestation damage and maintains the quality of your stored grain.
A cost-effective efficient solution for any kind of infestation. With ACARISIN TM you can get one of the best product combinations in the market for fighting insect infestations in stored rice, wheat, corn and more. ACARISIN TM gives you the knock down power of a broad-spectrum insecticide plus the long-term control of an insect growth regulator. It’s the total solution for complete stored grain protection.
Remember that ACARISIN TM is a combination of active mineral ingredients and mineral salts that providing the natural protection of premises, storages, deposits, tanks, trucks and food materials free from dangerous toxics and pesticidal compositions.
It´s a food product that should be applied in small amounts to be highly effective so the performance and cost-ratio is more than acceptable.